After racing to work, you slug down a smoothie and coffee while
tackling meetings and emails. Before your lunch time workout session, you gobble
a protein bar. Your hour workout leaves you refreshed and energized, but with
low blood sugar. You grab a turkey wrap and plug away for the next few hours before
leaving work to pick at the grocery store hot bar or order take-out. The cycle
rinses and repeats. Does this sound familiar? Whether you’re a 6am spin class
or a 5:30pm BootCamp follower, does your nutrition suffer? Does your work?
Successful weight loss, strength building, and whole body
wellness happens by addressing BOTH exercise and diet. Eat well to feel well to
work out harder for more energy and improved productivity. Exercise rigorously
leads to clearer thinking, improved digestion, thoughtful food choices, decreased
cravings, alleviated physical pains, increased energy and thus, improved
productivity at work. Work efficiently, improve self-confidence and
relationships, decrease stress, advance career and thus, self-fulfillment.
Work, exercise and diet are integrated and interrelated; they synergistically
improve each other.
So how does one balance the demanding priorities of work, exercise
and eating well? One of these aspects usually falls to the way side – typically
What’s the solution? Mindful Eating.
Mindful eating is being aware of our body’s cues in relation
to hunger, cravings, energy levels and more. It means eating with intention,
purpose and an increased consciousness of the foods we are putting into our
bodies. Mindful eating can range from chewing your food 20 times to just saying
a brief word of ‘thanks” before eating. It can become second nature with
practice to ensure optimal nutrition to fuel your workouts!
Here are four strategies to integrate mindful eating between
work and working out!
It’s easy to get caught up in the fun or ease of packaged food. But it can’t
replace real food which regulates your bodies’ hormones, eases digestion and
provides sustained energy. Have little time? Simplify your week night meals,
check out my “Not
Your Tues night Meal” blog. Cook once and eat twice. Cook dinner and
repurpose for lunch ensuring a protein, a carbohydrate (rice, quinoa, barley),
vegetables, and fat (avocado, full fat cheeses, nuts, olive oil and yes,
Ensure your “go to” snacks are on hand for easy consumption.
Leave the fun food for the weekend, when you have time to fully “enjoy” versus
eating quickly, mindlessly at your desk, over emails, or on the road. Budget
time to savor one meal a day, maybe two on the weekends.
Expectations: Inform coworkers, family and friends of your focus to eat
mindfully AND exercise. This may mean you need more time or help in the
evenings to prepare food. Or maybe you need 15 min more minutes added to the
end of the day for an extended lunch. Or encourage health focused “happy hours”
– activity focused, not those focused on alcohol.
Adequate Resources: Balancing work, nutritious eating, and exercise
requires some planning and preparedness. Take a weekend to acquire the right
resources to pack your meals and snacks. Find a few reliable recipe resources
for your dietary needs – 20 min or less, protein based and more. Need more
planning tips? Check out my “What’s
Your Excuse to Packing Lunch” blog.
Listen to
Your Body: Are you really hungry at 3pm? Did you have a glass of water or
take a quick walk around the building? Often thirst is confused with hunger and
boredom ignites those cravings. Be mindful of WHY you are reaching for a snack.
Did you have enough fat at lunch to satiate? If you are hungry, then focus on
energy filled foods – green based smoothie, nuts, peanut butter on apple, or
hummus and seed based crackers. Make sure your desk drawer is stocked like
Not like this….
Overall, remember the old phrase “think before you eat” and
“chew your food”. If you want to embrace
mindful eating, check out “6 Ways to
Practice Mindful Eating” and master ONE tip each month.
Need help implementing this tips for yourself or your
employees, contact Your
Wellness Scout for a full plan with practical tips and strategies.
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