Thursday, November 6, 2014

Chewing - Why it's the new focus of health! - Guest Writer: Dhali Mama

We are told to chew food some large amount of times 30 or 50 before swallowing, or don’t swallow until you have a liquid in your mouth.  Hard to do – yes?

You have heard of “ less is more”?  How about not concentrating on not counting your big chews, but actually chew much less.

Small, small, bites, keep in mouth as if to let it melt.  Chew once, then savor and roll around in mouth, and then chew again, but very slowly not aggressively. Chew only up and down, not sideways.  Swallow slowly.   This will take a long time to eat, thus you will get tired of eating and bored with your food.  This will also allow a lot of time to let your stomach talk to your brain and you will become satiated with far less food. 

Be aware of your body’s natural tendency to crave and be stimulated by sugar and salt.   Therefore the temptation is to let salty and sugary foods make you eat faster and more of them.   It is easier to slowly consume high fiber, fat and complex carbs.  These foods are filling and often more nutrient dense so far less of them will be required. With the act of slow eating, this will naturally cut down the amount of food you will want to eat and your calorie consumption.  

Try to have your meals as traditionally known – complex carbs, protein and some saturated fat.   A small amount of dessert if you will want it at all.   This could be saved for a occasional snack.  However eating in this more discipline manner will often increase the desire to eat much smaller meals or more of appetizers throughout the day.   Do not eat on the run as, obviously, this will only encourage rapid eating.  Thus even if small meal, it should be done at regular meal times and sitting down.   I have found I have less interest in my next meal after eating like this.   And I feel less hungry.   It has become more of eat to live and not live to eat.  The weight has dropped and is easy to keep off.   Thus I don’t concern myself too much about the occasional indulgence and the worry and guilt is taken out of it. 

It is obvious that very crunchy fibrous foods would require much chewing.   Strong chewing can result in more rapid eating, and the visual goal of accomplishing the task may encourage heavy, rapid chewing.   Salads can be healthy, but if not chewed well, then they will pass through digestive system with much absorption.   Raw vegetables are hard to keep in the mouth and savor – they are all about heavy fast chewing. 

Aggressively chewing, big bites, and minimal mastication of food contribute to poor digestion and lack of nutrient absorption.   Aggressive chewing is punishing on the jaws and teeth.    

Give your jaws a break – eat less of salads and tough meat and eat some softer foods that aren’t so chewy, crispy, or hard.

Cooked vegetables, legumes, and stews.  Often soft foods can encourage the slow, rolling around in the mouth.   Soups – one of the best all purpose foods is excellent for this and often hot – to slow you down.    

Chewing meat is quite physical as it doesn't dissolve in the mouth and must be chewed very small.    Very small bites are a necessity.   Once again a deliberate attempt slow consuming of meat will automatically reduce the amount swallowed. That correct “deck of cards” piece of meat will be enough of a task to eat in one meal.   

Grains will start to be digested in the mouth, so they are much easier to hold in the mouth, melting and chewing.   And again, one piece of whole grain bread will be more than enough to tackle.  

Peace & Health 
~ the Dhali Mama

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