Friday, March 17, 2017

Efficient At Home or Office Workouts That Won't Bore You! (Trust Me! I don't like working out at home.)

There was “blizzard” earlier this week and it’s mid-March! It’s supposed be the time of crocuses popping up under remnants of snow. Not a full on blizzard. But hey, we must all roll with the punches of life – rearranging schedules, appointments, social outings and more. However, the one thing blizzards don’t have to do is derail your workouts and movement schedule, unless you succumb to the strong desire to cuddle up under the blanket to watch movies, read a book or sleep – which by all means do, if that’s what your body is craving! We all need some rest and recharge. However, if cabin fever is at an all-time high, then I strongly recommend adding some movement to your morning, mid-day or 3pm slump.

I hate or rather hated, working out at home. Despised. I never thought it as good as the gym. Before having our daughter, I needed the gym to work out. Period. I loved the social atmosphere, organized classes, and the accountability from a paying monthly fee. Albeit, to make life work, we sometimes need to compromise. So I began working out at home especially after a friend said “Look at this space you have to work out”.  So I got over getting sweaty in my living room and the need for “machines” and embraced the videos as workout classes. Here’s a couple of my favorites for home or work!

Jessica Smith TV. – Approachable, fun workouts with varying intensities, duration and muscle groups. She touches on everything from walking programs, H.I.T. (high intensity training), yoga, strength, cardio, flexibility and stretching. And who doesn’t love, Peanut, her “active” French bulldog. She adds humor and intelligence while staying focused. She is ideal for those who are new to working out at home and has convinced me to slow down and focus on full range body movements for healing and integrated techniques versus the hamster wheel of the treadmill.

Fitness Blender – These are results oriented quick workouts, that are easy to follow with varying intensities; focused on one body part or total body. I worked up a sweat unexpectedly with a 5 min leg workout. They are efficient, with minimal talking and get right to the point. Best of all, the site has an easy to use search function for finding workouts based on duration, intensity, style (yoga, strength, cardio, HIT), body group (arms) and equipment. Pick your workout to start the day! I look forward to exploring their site more and interchanging with Jessica Smith T.V.

For those in the office, I provide a presentation on D.I.Y. Wellness Tips, in which I discuss how to incorporate movement at the office in various ways from unused conference rooms, to your desk, to even your stairwell. Otherwise, check out the following two sites.

Activity Bursts Everywhere – A.B.E. – These are 10 minute videos focusing on various parts of the body using your chair, your desk or by standing. If nothing else, watch for a good chuckle and you might find yourself partaking in the exercises. Don’t underestimate how just a few moves and deep breathing exercises can help curb cravings, refocus energy and provide that extra boost of focus to power through an hour two. I did these routinely at 11am at my desk vs reaching for those snacks. Worked every time.

Yoga – For a free version, try Yoga with Adriene. It's a six minute video for the desk stretch break. Otherwise, Desk Yogi, is a paid program with reminders, playlists, competitions and more for a virtually integrated at your desk wellness program.

Although I still prefer the gym, I knew I needed to continue these videos when my toddler joined the fun! 

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